Today we celebrated Earth Day with our first annual Tree Planting Ceremony. This event serves to highlight the Farm to School program which our students began this year under the direction of Ms. Reed. This program enriches the connection students have with fresh, healthy foods by changing food purchasing and education practices at schools. The goal of Farm to School is to empower students to make informed choices in their foods by allowing them access to educational opportunities such as school gardens, cooking lessons, and farm field trips. We would like to extend our gratitude to the following people for making this event possible. Ms. Monica Garcia, LISD Board Member, Mr. Alfredo Perez, Business Industry and Community Partnership Coordinator, Mr. Rogelio Garcia, director for CCMR, Aurora Rojas, administrative assistant, and Mr. Hector Rogerio, supervisor of facilities, and his staff. Furthermore, we'd like to thank Mr. Sergio Neira and his team, and Mr. Hector Soto for helping prepare our garden. Lastly, a sincere thank you to Ms. Monica Calles, Ms. Yvonne Degollado, Ms. Mayra Garcia, Mr. Lopez, and our administrators, Mrs. Michelle Gonzalez and Mrs. Leslie Casarez.
almost 3 years ago, Santo Niño Elementary
Tree Planting Ceremony April 2022
almost 3 years ago, Santo Niño Elementary
Parent Academy of Learning Virtual Session Flyer